The Sun God

Sun - The centre of solar system

The fact that the sun is the centre of solar system was also known to us from ancient times.This was much before the discovery of this fact by the Europeans. The Bharatiya culture has always been knowledge-centred.

Science, Spirituality and India

Science and spirituality both moved together in this land.

Science says 'What is this?' while Spirituality deals with 'Who am I?', knowing who am I. The subjective knowledge about one's self is spirituality and the objective knowledge and objective analysis is science. They are not contradictory, they complement each other.They are the two sides of the same coin.

PI in India

The value of pi is being used in India from ancient times. It gives us an insight about how evolved our past was.

There is a shloka, a hymn to Lord Krishna or Shiva, which gives the value of pi upto 31 decimal places. 

Its amazing that our forefathers used an encryption technique to easily remember it. What is more astonishing is that they needed pi upto 31 places!

Science and spirituality both moved together in this land.